
I’m Katrina. 

At a *certain age* (for me, that’s 40-ish) we run out of capacity for any kind of bullsh*t. Including with our bodies—which behave a LOT differently than they may have in our 20’s. 

And fitness at this age and beyond is NO LONGER ABOUT shrinking our bodies (I’d rather be stronger, not smaller), or relentless push-ups, sit-ups, or boot camps (which may not serve you in the same way they did a couple of decades ago.) 

Today, your body requires dialog and nuance in their movement. To build functional strength that begins deep within you and radiates out from your center. 

Your body also requires movement that makes you FEEL good (energized, strong, capable, resilient, happy, and accomplished) first. Only then can you find your authentic confidence in your favorite clothes and adventures for your body and soul.

Grown-ass bodies have birthed children, worked stressful jobs, and/or served as primary Home Ops Managers for a long time. 

And now? The kids have outgrown diapers and sippy cups. The job is no longer your first rodeo. You’ve had *that talk* with your partner about owning and executing an equal share of the chores. 


Believe me, I’ve navigated ALL these phases in my life so far, and the ONE consistent thing has been Pilates and my drive to share it with other women like me. The big lesson I’ve learned in my journey as a student and teacher is: 

We can ALL move more intuitively and intelligently in our grown-ass bodies. 

I have an analytical and reflexive teaching style. That means I’ll find the words and coaching that resonate with YOU and your body just as you are today. I believe that feeling your body is just as important as moving your body–so we’ll focus together on how best to help you do that. 

I teach more than exercise, I give you the space, permission, support, and knowledge to feel your body move in the way that it was meant to.

In 2020 I graduated from The Heritage Training: A Post-Graduate Training for Pilates Professionals with Cara Reeser. This is extensive training in first generation teacher Kathy Grant’s work in the Pilates Method. This work is very influential in the way I teach and how I view Pilates as a movement practice.

In 2016 I became a specialist in Prenatal and Postnatal Pilates and Diastasis Recti Recovery from the Women's Center for Fitness.  

The bottom line? I have everything it takes to help your grown-ass body become the strongest,  most confident partner it can be. (Because what else do we have, really?)

I’m beyond excited to welcome you to my home studio, located in Circle C Ranch in South Austin.